Friday, October 10, 2008

Our 16 Week Doctor's Visit

We had our 16 week checkup yesterday and everything is great! We heard the heartbeat for the first time - we had seen it before but had never been able to actually hear it with the doppler until yesterday. Pretty neat. I gained 7 lbs in 4 weeks! YIKES! My midwife said that that was great for me, so I guess that's okay. (She actually gave Matt a high five on that!) :) Matt keeps telling me, "we better have a chubby baby!" If it has anything to do with my appetite and weight gain, that won't be a problem! We have an official date for our ultrasound to find out the baby's gender - November 3rd! Can't wait!


The Blissfully Happy Housewife said...

How exciting Matt and Amanda!!! I am just thrilled for both of you!

Isn't it fun to hear their little heart beat?!! I was amazed at how fast it was!

I am sooooo excited to find out the gender!

I love that you blog now so I can keep up to date with everything! I'm going to add you to my sidebar...hope that is alright!


Anonymous said...

Wasn't it wonderful to hear that little heartbeat!!! It's so amazing as you sit and really think about what's happening inside you right now - isn't it! I am so anxious to find out if little munchkin is a boy or girl. It's great to hear the updates, as we all wait for little bambino to arrive! Love you!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe one told me you were pregnant!! I know my memory is not the greatest, but I would have remembered this!

I'm so happy for you - congratulations.

The Lavish Life of Gus said...

How exciting!!!

I can't wait to see what the gender of that little peanut is.

Miss you guys.

Jami said...

Hi! I am a friend of Jamie's.

Hearing the heartbeat for the first time is so exciting, isn't it? Congratulations!

Grandma Cathy said...

I can't wait to hear if we have a little boy or little girl in our family, Either way, we will be blessed! I think you'll have a chubby baby if genetics have anything to do with it! Keep eating though. Love you!