Thursday, April 9, 2009

Introducing Brooks Matthew...

Our little precious blessing arrived on March 24th at 6:42 AM. He weighed 8 lbs 2 oz and was 20 in. long. Brooks Matthew is the cutest thing we have ever seen and we fall more in love with him every single day. We are so overwhelmed with joy and wonder at the amazing gift God has given to us. We are so thankful and abundantly blessed. As any mom knows, my time has been very sparse the past couple of weeks since his arrival, so I'm just now getting to this post. Here are some of my favorite pictures.


Bobbie/Nonna said...

Love, love, LOVE our new grandson, Baby Brooks!!! I have been anxiously awaiting your post, Amanda. He is truly the cutest little boy ever born in Cincinnati - Grandpa and I have no doubts about that!!! He's a keeper for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to hold him again - and give him some special Nonna lovin'

The Albrecht Family said...

Oh, Amanda he is so handsome. I'm so happy for you and Matt. It's so much fun, but it goes so fast. Soak it all up. I can' wait to see him in person. Take care. Love ya, Heather

The Lavish Life of Gus said...

I can't wait to meet the little man!!! He just looks perfect!! Miss you guys.

The Vaughters said...

I know I am stating the obvious, but he is BEAUTIFUL!! Can't wait to meet your little man!!

Jenna said...

I've been waiting on this post!! What a cute little boy you have. It is crazy that he weighed more than Jentry when he was born and still weighs more than her...and to think you and I were due on the same day!! Congrats :)

The Bult Family said...

Congratulations! He is just so precious. I've been checking your blog for pictures, but I know how it is when you have a new baby. It's so funny because we have that same outfit that he's in the first picture for our little guy if we find out it's a boy. It will be his going home outfit from the hospital. I had my doctors appointment yesterday morning and I am between 2-3 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Now we just play the waiting game! I hope it's soon, I am so done being pregnant! Take care of that little man of yours. He is so adorable!