Monday, April 27, 2009

Brooks' One Month Checkup

Today was Brooks' one month checkup. I can't believe he is a month old already! It seems like yesterday that we were bringing him home from the hospital. He weighs 11 lbs and is 22 1/2 in long! That's my growing boy! He was so great for the dr. - he just stared into his eyes and looked around at everything. The dr. said he is doing great and to come back in a month. Here are some recent pics of our precious little milk guzzler...

Love the little toesies

Our first walk

Brooks and Mommy


Bobbie said...

Mr. Brooks has some serious chipmunk cheeks - and rightfully so at 11 pounds!!! Love him!!!

Grandma Cathy said...

What a good boy Brooks is! I'm so glad you got some "Florida" weather for his first walk and even more glad I could share it. Keep enjoying those meal times Brooks. Grandma misses you already!

The Albrecht Family said...

He's so handsome and getting so big! Amanda, you look great!